Contact Us And Meet The Team

Contact Us:


Southdown Duvets

Marsh House

119 Marsh Lane



BA21 3BZ

Tel: 01935 508797

Email: [email protected]

Email Us:

Meet The Team

Contact Us Jessica Cross owner of southdown duvets smiling at camera with cheek resting on hand


Founder, owner, fierce protagonist of sheep and the wool industry


Likes/Interests: animals, orchids and roses, anything containing chocolate


Dislikes: mansplainers, integrity-challenged folk, clothes moths


Office manager, customer services

Likes/Interests: dogs, long winter walks, the coastline

Dislikes: Peanut butter, TV ads, drivers who  leave their engines running

Contact Us - head shot of young man with glasses labelled Cameron IT consultant


Consultant – brand management and strategic planning


Likes/Interests: books and time pieces, research, current affairs


Dislikes: brussel sprouts, social inequality, sloppy grammar and punctuation

Contact Us - Picture of Catriona


Social media, branding and marketing

Likes/Interests: Taylor Swift, books, coffee


Dislikes: mornings, mushrooms, moths

Contact Us - Maremma dog


Feng shui consultant


Likes/Interests: long day-time naps, seared rib eye steaks, roast chickens

Dislikes:  early morning starts, hot summers, enclosed spaces

Contact Us - Golden labrador


Personal trainer to the team

Likes/Interests: all food, any food, unlimited food


Dislikes: empty food bowls, marauding seagulls, fireworks


 Model, company mascot


Likes/Interests: carrots, swimming, weekend lie-ins,


Dislikes: getting into the towel bag for dry-off, having to leave sticks outside, fireworks

Tar & Mac

Mischief Makers


Likes/Interests: sunny window sills, dreamies, cosy duvets


Dislikes – being ignored, unexplored cupboards, bananas